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Donation Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Each year, Riverview Credit Union allocates a budget to support community activities through contributions. We are pleased to do our part to assist your organization’s programs. However, requests have become so numerous that they exceed our financial capabilities. Therefore, we must fairly distribute our support to as many organizations as possible and ask that you complete this form. You may also download and print the form from here.

Please fill out this form at least SIX WEEKS prior to the event date to give us time to process your request. Thank you and best of luck with your event!

Organization Information


Requesting Individual’s Information

Will you be the recipient of the donation to provide to the organization?*

About Your Organization

Is this a for-profit or nonprofit organization?*
Has the organization received a donation from us in the past?*
Is this organization a member of Riverview Credit Union?*

Donation Information

Will specific mention be made of our support?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Once you submit your request, you will automatically receive a confirmation notice that the request has reached us successfully. Once we have reviewed your request, we will contact you via email of our decision.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.